Vocabulary Part 8 1He was not employed because he didnt have enough workfor the job 1 entertainment 2 endeavor 3 experiment 4 experience 2 We hope that the damage done to our house during the rainy season will be soon 1 repaired 2 returned 3 remained 4 recorded 3 Parviz was a young man who worked hard to make money for the family 1 actually 2 carefully 3 politely 4 successfully 4Our family had a big when my brother got married 1 description 2 invention 3 celebration 4 organization 5 Farmers usually fruits when they are ripe 1 crack 2 pick 3make 4 take 6 I believed good health is always a great 1 advantage 2 experiment 3 responsibility 4 knowledge 7 It would be too costly to repair a car these days Costly means 1 active 2 attractive 3 expensive 4 massive 8 We should respect the of others and they should respect ours 1 routes 2 records 3 rights 4 rates 9 When I was asked to stay indoors I to do so 1confused 2 included 3 disturbed 4 disagreed 10 A sheet of white paper reflects more light than a sheet of black paper Reflect is the opposite of 1 absorb 2 destroy 3 refuse 4 receive 11 Not every country can space program because it is so expensive 1 afford 2 choose 3 refuse 4 receive n 12 In several cases which children were gotten away from TV their improved a lot 1 influence 2 eyesight 3 fashion 4 pressure 13 A tree can stand up to a strong wind because it is and has long roots 1 comfortable 2 impossible 3 responsible 4 flexible 14 Many people believe that technology can greatlyeveryday life 1 understand 2 continue 3 improve 4 perform 15 Playing games seems t
سوال ها در انگليسي انواع مختلفي دارند؛ سولات Yesnoquestions Whquestions Tagquestions و غيره در اين پست قصد داريم به سوالات Yesno بپردازيم سوالات Yesno با جواب هاي کوتاه آره يا نه جواب داده مي شوند، به اين نوع سوالات closed questions نيز گفته مي شود سوالات Yesno حتما بايد با يکي از افعال کمکي auxiliary verbs be do have و يا افعال مدال modal auxiliary verbs شروع شوند ليست کليه اين افعال در جداول زير آمده است Be Have Do am has does is have do are had did was were افعال کمکي مدال modal auxiliary verbs can could may might must ought to shall should will would به چند مثال توجه کنيد Do you want to watch TV آيا مي خواهي تلوزيون تماشا کني؟ Does she want to play tennis آيا او مي خواهد تنيس بازي کند؟ Are you tired آيا خسته اي؟ Can Sarah speak English آيا سارا مي تواند انگليسي صحبت کني؟ نحوه جواب دادن سوالات Yesno اين نوع سوالات را مي توان به چند شکل متفاوت پاسخ داد که يکي از رايج ترين آنها فقط استفاده از yes و no مي باشد Are you hungry Yes آيا گرسنه هستي؟ آره Do you need more cheese No آيا پنير بيشتري مي خواهي؟ نه يکي ديگر از روش هاي رايج پاسخ دادن به اين سوا
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